For any wheel purchase, several criteria have to be considered: the wheel resistance, the respect of standards, the tyre size correspondence, the avoidance of spacers (non mechanical !), the paint quality, the finish, the country of origin, the services provided in case of repair.
We guarantee optimal and professional manufacturings.
Why choose our TRAMONT wheels ?
The reasons are technical and aesthetic.
Technical reasons :
• A TRAMONT wheel (save very rare exception) is always lighter than a 1 or 2 piece wheel (about 30 % less).
• The back of the wheel is machined to fit with the dimensions of the brakes, so that the massive part of the wheel (the central part) is fixed as closely as possible to the axles, which avoids any unnecessary weight to be deported outwards on the bearings and the chassis.
• The in-house production of the rims is a guarantee of quality. These rims are made of spun and work-hardened aluminium alloy or stainless steel without being machined (patented). We produce rims in every half inches from diameter Ø 10” to 26” for cars or motorbikes.
• The outer rims are in polished and anodized aluminium or in polished stainless steel, which guarantees a long-lasting result.
• The central parts manufactured in low-pressure foundry with heat treatment or in forged and machined 6061 T6 receive 2 layers of epoxy powder primer, a layer of colour and a layer of epoxy powder varnish which gives them high resistance and top of the range finish for a road use or for motor racing.
• Our 40 years of experience guarantees a professional listening and a reactive and effective after-sales service for the repair of our French productions.
Aesthetic reasons :
Aestheticism is often a matter of taste !
Our design models are always in adequacy with the lines of the big car manufacturers of luxury brands or historic models.
For 40 years we have been witnessing the arrival of fashions (chrome-plated wheels, exotic colour or design), manufacturers or importers from the other end of the world … which have disappeared in complete oblivion.
No car manufacturer revolutionizes his product lines, the cars evolve but no fashion establishes itself in the long term.
Customers love the confirmed, refined, unadorned and timeless design of our models.
Our wheels allows a perfect mounting, as close as possible to the front and rear wing edge, and this only can express the ultimate aestheticism of the car.
The brand name TRAMONT is much more than a commercial logo, it’s also a family name, so we sign our productions as a contract of quality and satisfaction towards our customers.